Home » Bryson DeChambeau happy to inspire Indian golf with his brand of playing the game

Bryson DeChambeau happy to inspire Indian golf with his brand of playing the game

Two-Time PGA champion golfer Bryson DeChambeau answers the media on the eve of the International Series golf at the DLF Golf and Country Club in Gurugram on Wednesday.
Even as he was posing along with the trophy on the eve of the $2 million International Series championship at the DLF Golf and Country Club on Wednesday, DeChambeau was particular, “It is fine as long as I don’t touch the trophy”.

Two-Time PGA champion golfer Bryson DeChambeau answers the media on the eve of the International Series golf at the DLF Golf and Country Club in Gurugram on Wednesday.
| Photo Credit: Kamesh Srinivasan

ThereisacertainpurityandhonestyaboutthereigningPGAchampion,BrysonDeChambeau,thatisinstantlyattractive.Itaddsmoretohisstatureasatopprofessional,whodrivesgolf’spopularityaroundtheworld. Evenashewasposingalongwiththetrophyontheeveofthe$2millionInternationalSerieschampionshipattheDLFGolfandCountryClubonWednesday,DeChambeauwasparticular,“ItisfineaslongasIdon’ttouchthetrophy”. Atwo-timeMajorchampion,hesaidwouldtouchitonlywhenhewinsit.Hegavehimselfasmuchofachanceasanyonetocomegoodo