Home » LIV will play 14 tournaments on four continents

LIV will play 14 tournaments on four continents

“Our global calendar continues to expand with the aim of playing on the best golf courses and providing a unique and memorable experience for fans,” said Ross Hallett

One month before the start of what will be the fourth season in the history of LIV Golf, the Saudi circuit announced on Tuesday the final calendar for 2025: it consists of 14 tournaments spread across nine countries and four continents, with five venues as a novelty compared to last year and with the Valderrama course repeating one more year. The curtain will open on February 6 in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), one of the five additions to the calendar and the first of 12 regular tournaments, since the individual final will be played in Indianapolis (August 15 to 17) and, a week later, Michigan will host the team final.

Liv,statement “Ourglobalcalendarcontinuestoexpandwiththeaimofplayingonthebestgolfcoursesandprovidingauniqueandmemorableexperienceforfans,”saidRossHallett,executivevicepresidentanddirectorofeventsforLIVGolf,afterannouncingthepublicationofthecalendar.“The2025rosterincludescoursesthathavehostedmultiplePresidentsCups,theRyderCupa